Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Beauty of Friends

After a much talked about beginning to my beauty blog life took a quick and drastic turn for the worse. A health issue took me by surprise and took over my life for the next 6 months. Maybe I'll blog about it one day, maybe not. As I get further and further away from it I'm slowly seeing the bigger of picture of why things happen to us and maybe one day soon I'll write a moving and very grown up blog about it! But today I'm going to praise the beauty of friends.

Anyone who has experienced depression knows its a roller coaster ride. One moment you're ready to hang yourself with a christmas tree garland and the next moment you're on cloud nine thinking "what's the big deal? why was I so sad?". I'm not talking about normal day to day depression that comes about from gaining a pound or 2 or having a fight with your boyfriend. I'm talking about when life hits you with a situation that you can't find a solution out of. Where everything you know about yourself and your reality is questioned. This is when the cliche questions come into play, "how could this happen to me?" "why am I here?".

Anyone who has gone through a time like this knows the only thing that can turn around your moment of sadness is a friend. The friends who listen to you patiently cry about the same thing over and over but always manage to give you new and profound advice. The friends who always seem to call you right at that moment when you're feeling most alone. They remind you that life isn't all so bad. And they especially remind you of who you are. That your moment of weakness is temporary and the real you is still there. As one friend told me when I was feeling particularly low, "I see the hope in you, even if you don't". You know a friend really cares for you when they don't give up on you.

According to the enlightened ones out there we're in a time of extreme change. I see it everywhere. Some are living charmed lives while others' are crumbling. I'm surrounded by people who are suffering, and sometimes they don't even know why. All we can be sure of is the love we share. Forgive my moment of sappiness but sometimes you have to give in to it. Because memories are what make us "us" and it's the people in those memories that matter.
So I'm saying a great big THANK YOU for all the phone calls, emails, hugs and for just being there. To all the old cherished friends and the new friends that have come into my life the past months.We are here together, bouncing ideas and love off one another.

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